There are no surprises yet, apart from minor tweaks that come with Windows 11. I completed the Installation without any issues or errors. I downloaded and installed Windows 11 when it came out as a Tech Preview and started using Google Chrome on it right away. There is even a new default web browser named Edge (more on that later). Their effort is to make Windows a platform in this multi-screen world and prepare it for the Internet of things era. Windows 11 is a big update for Microsoft (and that’s why they skipped the number 9, to make the point). I recommend upgrading to a newer version of Microsoft Windows to continue using Chrome and get all the new features and security updates. Note: Google Chrome is no longer officially supported on Windows XP. The newest version of Microsoft Windows is here. Google has an open-source project called Chromium, and Chrome is Chromium + Google’s exclusive features like sync, autofill, and more. Google Chrome is the world’s favorite browser. To download Google Chrome for Windows 11, go to /chrome

Open your Internet browser and go to the Google Chrome download page.Edge is the he default Internet browser for Microsoft operating systems, and Safari is the default Internet browser for macOS.